Monday, May 18, 2020

There are so many ways in which young victims are enticed...

There are so many ways in which young victims are enticed to sex trafficking, pimps posing as modeling agencies, fake massage parlors, maid services, or just flat out black mail and abduction. Pimps prey on young vulnerable victims for sole purpose of making as much as they possibly can. This is just one of many devastating stories of our teenagers who are coerced into sex trafficking. Due to recent advances in technology traffickers are able to reach anyone via the internet. There are no limitations and boundaries concerning who is trafficked the only goal on their mind is making money by exploiting victims. Human trafficking has been around for centuries, however in this day and age it is â€Å"the second fastest growing criminal†¦show more content†¦Prostitution is legally defined differently, Prostitution consists of knowingly engaging in or offering to engage in a sexual act for hire†. Yet when spoken to women involved in prostitution the majority of women express that prostitution was not their choice yet a means of survival due to poverty, lack of education, limited resources, support, etc. For that very reason â€Å"Sex traffickers frequently target vulnerable people with histories of abuse and then use violence, threats, lies, false promises, debt bondage, or other forms of control and manipulation to keep victims involved in the sex industry.† Although prostitution is legal in Nevada when both parties knowingly agree, most of the call girls do in fact experience physical abuse and rape at some point by a â€Å"John† in their careers. As a result of the limited resources available to these prostitutes, this line of work may seem as their last resort for survival. Federally sex trafficking is illegal however prostitution is left for each state to decide. By law sex trafficking is defined as â€Å"recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining a person for the purpose of commercial sex act†. In recent years trafficking has blossomed due to the internet. With the pervasiveness and obscurity of the internet which furtherShow MoreRelatedThe Sex Trafficking Trade948 Words   |  4 PagesThe sex trafficking trade has been largely acquainted with countries in Europe and South America of the years. Nonetheless, this epidemic in reality has been in the United States for some time. The United States has become tolerable because of the amount of money the sex business industry brings in annually. The youths trapped in prostitution, brothel, massage services has been on the upsurge due to a lack of assistance. Lack of acknowledgment by the government and the media has been astounding.

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